Sustainability Concept

Our approach to sustainability is to start from a growing social need, or a prevailing trend or opportunity. Based on the requirement based on the requirement and the evaluation factors set, we will then start to develop the sustainable solution, exploiting the latest technologies available, using innovation, working with our partners to form an integrated bespoken solution.

Business Development

Since each of our sustainable projects are different, our approach is to rigorously build a business development strategy & feasibility study with our partners anbd sponsors to understand the opportunities & associated risks from launch to a sustainable business venture. Throughout the life cycle, the project is under scrutiny to ensure the viability & return to all the stakeholders.

Investor Relations

From the Business development phase, our coception is to build an investment plan and underlining governance structure for each project, leveraging predominantly equity but also debt to finance for the projects. Our relationships with private & institutional investors are of paramount importance to the ongoing success of projects.

Institutional Relations

As there are often huge social economic advantages associated with the delivery of our  projects, government institutions become a key element of our project. We look to engage with public & private institutions as stakeholders of the project and involve them in the development process in order to leverage the benefits.

Project Execution

Each bespoken sustainable solution will require a combination of efforts from our investors, institutions, partners & suppliers to make the concept a reality. As part of the project management, all phases of planning, design, execution & transition demand to proactively monitor risks, issues, dependencies & progress to plans.

Advisory Services

We offer a series of ad-hoc services to support our partners looking to leverage their products as part of a sustainable solution.

Feel free to contact us directly if you wish to partner with us on any of the aforementioned projects.